December 22, 2021
The Professional Learning through Research Working Group (PLR) provides opportunities for continued professional growth in support of conducting, using, and sharing research that promotes teaching for learning in the visual arts. Through professional development that focuses on research, the PLR builds and cultivates professional growth communities committed to diverse research needs. Additionally, the PLR promotes the visibility and values of art education research through increased communication to stakeholders. The PLR develops knowledge about, skills in, and dispositions towards research as a means to advance visual arts teaching and learning, thereby facilitating an understanding of the ways to create and utilize art education research in multiple settings.
Membership in the PLR is by election, and collectively members represent all Divisions and Regions of the NAEA.
For more information, contact Stephanie Danker, Chair, at
The PLR recently assumed editorial responsibilities for Translations. Learn more about Translations here.
Tracey Hunter-Doniger
Associate Professor, Department Chair, Teacher Education, College of Charleston
Darden Bradshaw
Preservice Representative; Chair-Elect
Associate Professor, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Stephanie Danker
Outgoing Chair
Associate Professor, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Justin Sutters
Liaison to the Research Commission
Assistant Dean, Associate Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Courtney Casto
Eastern Region Representative
Masters in Art Education Candidate, University of Florida
Andrea Slusarski
Pacific Region Representative
Assistant Professor, Art Education, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
Allison Rowe
Western Region Representative
Assistant Professor, Art Education, University of Iowa
Borim Song
Southeastern Region Representative
Professor of Art Education, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
Jennifer Bergmark
Elementary Representative
Assistant Professor, Art Education University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Cappie Dobyns
Middle Level Representative
PhD Candidate, Drake University, Iowa
Caitlin Black
Secondary Division Representative
Lecturer, Art Education, Rhode Island School of Design & Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
Sean Justice
Higher Education Representative
Associate Professor, Texas State University, San Marcos
Carissa DiCindio
Museum Education Representative
Associate Professor, Art and Visual Culture Education University of Arizona
Jennifer Fox
At-Large Representative
Clinical Supervisor/Adjunct Instructor, Anderson University (SC)
Ketal Patel
At-large Representative
Director of Field Experiences & Licensure Program, The Ohio State University
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