NAEA Research Commission Preconference
NAEA Research Commission Preconference: Making Knowledge/Moving Knowledge
When: Tuesday, March 20, 2018; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Where: Sheraton Seattle, 1400 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101
Making Knowledge/Moving Knowledge will focus on knowledge building and mobilization, through and of research, in the field of art education. The preconference - supported by the National Art Education Foundation and open to all NAEA members - is structured around the following questions:
- What motivates us to pursue and mobilize knowledge?
- How is knowledge identified and defined?
- What counts for knowledge in art education?
- How is knowledge constructed in our field?
- How is knowledge mobilized? Translated? For whom and for what purposes?
- What knowledge is meaningful to stakeholders from a variety of contexts?
- What makes movement in the field?
Conference Schedule
View the schedule below or download a PDF here.
8:00 am Registration/Check-In
8:45 am Welcome Address
Mary Hafeli, Larry Barnfield, Deborah Reeve
9:00-9:55 am — First Plenary—Knowledge Building
Mary Hafeli, B. Stephen Carpenter, Amelia Kraehe, Christine Marmé Thompson, Marilyn Stewart
10:00-10:55 am
- Toward Building a Solid Knowledge Base in Art Education: An Analysis of Current Research in Studies and IJETA
Enid Zimmerman, Melody Milbrandt, Kathy Miraglia - From Doctoral Candidate to Academic: Navigating Changing Contexts and Charting New Paths of Academic Research
Dianna Huxhold, Mary Soylu, Libba Willcox - Knowledge Construction Across Art Education: Valuing Voices from Preschool to Grad School
Shana Cinquemani, Barbara Bergstrom, R. Darden Bradshaw - Reconfiguring Spirituality for Art Education Research and Practice
Jane E. Dalton, David Gall, Laurel Campbell
11:00-11:55 am
- The Role of Research in High School and Middle School Art
Kimberley D’Adamo, Megan Leppla, Rachel Hallquist - Artist|Researcher|Teacher: Art-Based Narrative Inquiry as Holistic Research Practice
Ginger Brinn, Pam Lawton, Fatemah Khawaji - Situating Children in Art Education Research and Practice: Epistemic Justice for Early Childhood Artists
Christine Marmé Thompson, Kristine Sunday, Heather Kaplan - Mentoring Critical Arts-Based Research: Cultivating Equity, Wide-Awakeness, and Communicative Ethics In Art Education Practice
Flavia Bastos, Vittoria Daiello, Mindi Rhoades - Knowledge In/Through/With Making: Critical Perspectives of Making as Knowledge
Aaron Knochel, Christine Liao, Ryan Patton
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-1:55 pm — Second Plenary—Knowledge Mobilization
Juan Carlos Castro, Graeme Sullivan, Dennis Inhulsen, Gino Molfino, Sarah Ackerman
2:00-2:55 pm
- Getting at the (Grass) Root of Research: A PLR Study into Knowledge Mobilization Between the State and National Level
Justin P. Sutters, Kristi Oliver, Amy Pfeiler-Wunder - Theory to Practice: Coming Full Circle
Robin Vande Zande, Carrie Ann Power - Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Arts Integration Cohort Project: Disseminating Knowledge Learned and Building a Movement
Edrick Rhodes, Barbara Brusker, Samika Satterthwaite - Bridging Theory and Practice
Becky Shipe, Anne Thwaits, Chelsea Farrar
3:00-3:55 pm
- Knowledge Building with Data Visualizations
Karen Keifer-Boyd, Christine Liao, Yichien Cooper - “Desperately Seeking” Our Stakeholders: Mobilizing Art Education Knowledge through Audiencing
Nicholas Leonard, Jennifer Hamrock, Kristen Breiteller - Unfolding Spatial Thinking & Material Knowing
Andrea Kantrowitz, Marta Cabral, Sean Justice - Launching Teacher-Researchers: From Research and Publication, to Infinity and Beyond
Stacey Salazar, Andrew Watson, Lauren Rago, Mary Rooney - Thresholds and Intersections: Knowing Differently through Intra-actions of Theory and Practice
Amy Ruopp, Kathy Unrath, Lauren Herman
4:00 pm Happy Hour-Networking
Ticket Price: $99/Active; $75/Preservice; $149/Non-members
Maximum Number of Participants: 100