August 22, 2021
NAEA Town Call Conversation | Art Education and School Year 2020-21: Navigating Remote, Hybrid, and In-Person Instruction in the COVID-19 Landscape
Sharing solutions and support for success in this unique school year is our goal for this conversation. Join expert guides as they communicate how they are navigating the current landscape as supervisors, administrators, and classroom practitioners. Gain perspective from various vantage points and walk away with practical ideas for immediate use whether you’re faced with the challenges and opportunities of remote, in-person, or hybrid learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Davis Publications Free Resources
Teaching Art Online, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, SchoolArts online, lessons, and more…
Amazing Educational Resources - 1129 Resources!
Share educational resources and support each other as a community of educators!
How to Properly Wash Your Hands!
An official hand-washing guide from medical professionals.
Arts Together: Planning Guidance for Arts Educators in Maryland Public Schools. COVID-19 Response and Path Forward
A guiding document for the continuity of Fine Arts education in Maryland public schools, this document can be used to support local decision making that is in the best interest of students and maintains high-quality Fine Arts programs. The continuity of Fine Arts programs for students ensures that local school systems provide social-emotional learning, culturally-relevant pedagogy, and a well-rounded education.
Creativity Connections partners with The School Zone Institute, ARCHITECTURE and CHILDREN, and UWM’s Design/Draw to BUILD, to reach imaginations of all ages during this time when schools are closed. Everyone can take time to think, reflect, make and create! and The School Zone Institute share Weekly Themes with Daily Activities to engage people to make something extraordinary out of things that are ordinary!
How to Lead Your Team Remotely
Managers across creative teams share their best practices to thoughtfully lead from afar.
art21 Educator Resources
Art21’s Education initiatives engage audiences in a dialogue about contemporary art and the artists featured in Art21 films. Programs are based on the organization’s belief that the art and ideas of contemporary visual artists are powerful models for creative and critical thinking across subjects areas and disciplines.
Repository of Distance Learning from Museums
With children and learners everywhere out of school for the foreseeable future, museums across the continent have come together to share their distance learning with you. Use the pull-down filters below to find the best programs and resources for your needs.
Creative Constraints
This is an advanced High School Art Elective lesson exploring creative constraints and contemporary art.
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AP Check-in Worksheet
A reflection tool for AP Studio Art students to reflect, adjust and plan.
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Developing Curricula for SEL and the Arts
Educators are working to encourage the development of social and emotional learning competencies through arts education.
A New Reality - Getting Remote Learning Right
This is a Special Report from ASCD. The report aims to provide guidance and spark reflection, discussion, and problem-solving on the unprecedented challenges facing school leaders and educators during the novel coronavirus crisis.
Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings Hosting Virtual Tours
A dozen of Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic designs are available to explore as part of the #WrightVirtualVisits initiative. Some links available on this page, others require Instagram.
Getty Artworks Recreated with Household Items by Creative Geniuses the World Over
Recreate your favorite art using just three objects lying around home using digitized and downloadable artworks from Getty’s online collection.
Adobe Education Exchange
The Adobe Education Exchange is the free learning platform and community, designed by educators for educators, to ignite creativity in the classroom.
Tech Giants Come Together to Offer Free Lessons!
Media, Education and Tech Giants Come Together to Offer Free Lessons, Activities During Pandemic — All in One Curated Place! The site brings together content from a diverse group of companies to help students, teachers and families find free, reliable resources while school buildings are shuttered.
K-12 Art Materials Brainstorming Worksheet
This worksheet walks through reflection and planning for building their own artist tool kit for remote learning
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Art Exploration: Land Art
This is a K-2 lesson exploring Land Art
Creative Constraints: El Anatsui
This is a 3-5 lesson exploring Land Art with examples by El Anatsui
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Creative Constraints: Art Research and Exploration
This is a grade 6-8 lesson exploring creative constraints and installation art.
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Creative Constraints
This is a Fundamentals of Art lesson exploring creative constraints and contemporary art.
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The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections
Access endless open content including educational resources for e-learning and virtual retreats to art, culture, and history around the globe. This is the museum technology community’s time to shine!
Library of Congress - Lot of Resources
Check out the Library of Congress for thousands of digital collections and resources using original sources. All free!
New Evidence of the Benefits of Arts Education…
Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Almost as soon as motor skills are developed, children communicate through artistic expression. Empirical evidence provides insights into how learning in the arts supports growth.
Study Says Making Art Reduces Stress, Even if You Kind of Suck at it
Researchers found that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body.
Californians for the Arts – Covid 19 Resources
Developed for Californians in mind, this resource includes information also relevant for the nation-at-large. A list of resources for news, health recommendations, funding options, broadcasting ideas, emergency response resources.
Frida Kahlo: The Woman Behind the Legend
Here is just one of 328 art related videos available at The Kids Should See This website. It’s like PBS or NPR for kids!
382 Videos about Art!
Check out the The Kids Should See This website. Thousands of inspiring resources with 328 specifically about art!
Craft in America: Free Videos and Education Guides!
Visit Craft in America for dozens of videos, guides, lessons, and teacher resources including guides and more!
State Directors of Arts Educations share resources here!
State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEDAE) is reaching out to gather and share arts education resources. Select the link and discover how SEDAE is resources you and your colleagues in arts education can use!
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willlems
Visit Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems everyday. Download each day’s activities and catch up with previous episodes on YouTube. See a sample activity here.
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The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts - Resources Online
Visit the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts under Resources for Educators! Thousands of ideas, videos and lessons! Here is just one of many examples for printable lessons.
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