Advocacy & Policy

What We Believe/NAEA Goals For Quality Art Education

Because we believe that all students in public and private schools, from Kindergarten to Grade 12 shall receive art instruction in the schools by certified art teachers, the NAEA Board adopted the following goals.

It is our purpose to promote and maintain the highest possible degree of quality instruction in visual arts programs throughout the United States.

These goals have been designed in harmony with those of other associations of teachers; they aim at gaining a place for art as an equal partner in the total school enterprise, and they represent a minimum for achievement of our warranted educational objectives.

In the implementations of these goals, the members of the National Art Education Association will work toward the improvement of art instruction at all levels.

NAEA Goals For Quality Art Education

  1. All elementary and secondary schools shall require students to complete a sequential program of art instruction that integrates the study of aesthetics, art criticism, art history, and art production.

    1.1 art instruction shall be conducted by teacher certified in art;

    1.2 visual arts courses shall be required in elementary, middle, junior, and senior high schools, and should not be scheduled to conflict with other required courses.

  2. For graduation from high school, every student shall be required to complete at least one year of credit in one of the fine arts.

    2.1 an acceptable course in visual arts shall include in-depth study in the techniques of at least one art medium; practice in several media; and studies in art history, aesthetics and criticism.

  3. For admission to a college or university, every student shall be required to have at least one year of credit in visual arts. (See 2.1 above)

  4. For graduation from a college or university, every student shall be required to have at least one course in one of the fine arts.

  5. Every state and school system shall have a supervisor or administrator to coordinate and direct the visual arts program.

    5.1 an acceptable supervisor or administrator is certified in the teaching and supervision of visual arts education.

Adoption: Adopted by Board of Directors, 1984; Amended April 1987, Motion #21

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