About Us
Platform and Position Statements
NAEA platforms and supporting position statements relate to national issues or topics of interest to the profession and/or field of visual arts education. The statements, representing the voice of the Association, are created to advance the mission of the organization.
NAEA has established six platforms within the art education profession. Position statements are placed in the most pertinent platform.
These position statements are written by content experts and reviewed by the membership at large. Adopted statements are initially reviewed at the three year mark and subsequently every five years to ensure the terminology, application, and stance, as well as the topic itself, remains relevant.
Position Statements:
This chart is an alphabetical listing of all position statements, the assigned platform, and the review schedule. Links to each statement are included.
This document contains all position statements written in their entirety including their assigned platform, adoption date, and all review dates.
These links define each platform and provide links to the position statements pertaining to the platform.
The position statements were written by members for use by members as advocacy resources.
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