NAEA Awards

Each year the NAEA Awards Program offers the opportunity to nominate outstanding art educators in all Divisions and Regions, and from each state and province for national recognition.

Nominations for the 2025 Awards Program are now open!

This year, NAEA is using a new submission platform called Submittable to collect and review nominations. In order to submit a nomination, you will first need to create a free account with Submittable.

After beginning the nomination form, you can save a draft and return to finish it at any time before October 1.

If you are nominating someone else, we encourage you to use the “Collaborator” feature within Submittable. This will allow you to invite the nominee to work with you on the nomination form in real time.

Program Objectives

  • To recognize excellence in the many outstanding individuals, state/province associations, and programs of NAEA.
  • To focus professional attention on quality art education and exemplary art educators.
  • To increase public awareness of the importance of quality art education.
  • To set standards for quality art education and show how they can be achieved.
  • To provide tangible recognition of achievement, earn respect of colleagues, and enhance professional opportunities for NAEA members.

Who Can Nominate?

Individual Members, State/Province Associations, and NAEA Interest Groups


NAEA members who meet the established criteria are eligible for nomination. NAEA membership is not required for the Distinguished Service Outside the Profession award, the COMC J. Eugene Grigsby award, or the Eisner Lifetime Achievement award. See complete eligibility details in the Awards Program Booklet.

Award Selection

Nominations and supporting documentation are submitted to the NAEA Awards Coordinator. State/province award committees select their own state/province award recipient and submit the name to the NAEA on the official State/Province Art Educator form (download form here or email Contact your state/province association for guidelines.


The final deadline for award submissions will be October 1, 2024 at 11:59pm ET. This timeline allows the selection committees sufficient time to review documentation, verify membership, make final decisions, and submit the names of winning recipients to NAEA.

Award Presentations

Awards are presented at the NAEA National Convention.

Press Release

Before the annual NAEA National Convention each awardee will receive a press release via email that they can forward to employers, local, media, art departments, school administrators, etc.