National Art Honor Societies

NAHS/NJAHS National Council

Call for Applications: Middle Level Member At Large

The application for this opportunity will open in January 2025.

Middle Level NAEA Members are invited to apply for the volunteer leadership position of Middle Level Member At Large on the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) National Council.

NAEA seeks applications from Middle Level Division members who are National Junior Art Honor Society (NJAHS) Sponsors and are interested in serving as an At Large Member on the NAHS Council. The National Council of the National Art Honor Society studies NAHS/NJAHS issues and makes recommendations to NAEA regarding program policies and procedures.

About the National Council: Members of the National Council include the NAEA Executive Director (ex-officio), the Secondary Division Director, Middle Level Division Director, and two Members At Large—one from among Secondary NAHS chapter sponsors and one from among Middle Level NJAHS chapter sponsors.

Qualifications: Middle Level Members At Large must be Active members of NAEA with a registered chapter of NAHS for the 2024-2025 school year.

Terms of Service and Appointment: Members serve two-year terms. The next term will begin immediately following the 2025 NAEA National Convention and conclude in March 2027.

National Council Members At Large are selected from applications submitted and appointed by the NAEA President. Members meet annually during the NAEA National Convention and participate in one to two conference calls per year. Total time commitment is approximately six hours per year.

Questions? Contact Paula Liz, Youth and Preservice Program Manager, at

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